Gerren Sprauve is originally from the United States Virgin Islands.
For much of his life Gerren has been an ambassador for others, always looking out for those in need, less fortunate, etc. Gerren has always simply wanted to do good. Due to choices made, experiences had and the ultimate labels he placed on them in his mind, he struggled to value himself. And like many of us out there, Gerren decided to build a business to mask much of what was going on on the inside. The industry he chose. The name of his business. They all pointed to something he was experiencing and after, but he ran, hoping to do good vs find the good within.
Life has changed for Gerren, now that he's surrendered to doing the personal work necessary to help him experience the good that was always there.
Gerren Sprauve is originally from the United States Virgin Islands. For much of his life Gerren has been an ambassador for others, always looking out for those in need, less fortunate, etc. Gerren has always simply wanted to...